About Journal

About the journal

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences  (Abbreviation:JPHS) is a free, open access, peer-reviewed, quarterly publication compiled by the Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center, Islamic Azad University, Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch(IAUPS), Tehran, Iran.

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences  publishes high quality original research papers, review articles and reports related to clinical and experimental studies in the domain of “Pharmacy and Health” involving both basic and clinical researches, applications of new technologies  in Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical and basic Medical Sciences.  All studies on synthesis ,formulation, quality control  , efficacy  and safety  of  natural or synthetic chemicals with particular emphasis on food, drugs,  chemicals,  agricultural ,industrial , and consumer products  in  in vitro and in vivo models  are considered for publication in this journal . Areas such as efficacy and safety evaluation of novel foods, drugs   and ingredients, biotechnologically-derived products, and nanomaterials are included in the scope of this journal. JPHS also encourages submission of papers on inter-relationships between nutrition, Pharmacology and toxicology.

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (JPHS) has been approved by Journal Commission of Islamic Azad University and Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance to be a Scientific-Research Journal.

Time schedule

JPHS follows the following schedule for publication from spring 2016:

1. June (spring)

2. September (summer)

3. December (autumn)

4. March (winter)


Contact address

Islamic Azad University ,Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch (IAUPS)

Dr. Shariati,Gholhak,Yakhchal,

 Postal Code:194193311

 P.O. Box:193956466

Tel: +98-21-22006221

 Fax: +98-21-22600099

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